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live load 【機械工程】動(力)負載,活載荷;工作負載,有效負載。

live lode

Making use of the mathematical statistics analysis , probability distributions and statistical parameters of the sustained and transient quality of residential floor live load is studied . thereby the distributed models and parameters of the sustained live load and the transient live load on residential floor are obtained at design reference period t = 50 years and t = 100 years 利用數理統計方法,研究了典型住宅結構樓面持久性活荷載和臨時性活荷載的概率分布和統計參數,建立了設計基準期t = 50年和t = 100年時樓面持久性活荷載和樓面臨時性活荷載的概率分布模型,并確定了模型參數。

So it is not enough if we only execute linear analysis to a cable - stayed bridge ; 2 ) when live loads are distributed to full span the effects of geometric nonlinear for the structure are smaller than to two side spans or mid - span only ; 3 ) linear analysis is enough to live loads since the difference between linear analysis and nonlinear analysis to the structure is relatively small under live loads ; 4 ) the effects of every geometric nonlinear element to decision final shape parameters are very little , and the results of linear and nonlinear are nearly equal ; 5 ) under construction the effects of geometric nonlinear to cable - stayed bridges must be considered 2 )活載作用下,加載方式不同,非線性的影響結果也不一樣,其中按全橋滿布方式進行加載時受幾何非線性的影響最小。 3 )活載作用下,可以用線性分析的手段對活載進行近似計算,以便減少計算量。 4 )各非線性因素對結構最終形態確定參數的影響非常小,線性結果與非線性結果相差無幾。

The deflection theory is then used to obtain the most unfavorable moment of the structure under live load , and after the preliminary controlling moment of the structure is obtained by superpositioning the dead and live load moment , the moment and hanger forces arc to be adjusted by the internal force equilibrium method to finally obtain the rational hanger forces 首先用彎矩能量最小原理求出初步索力,然后利用索力得到恒載彎矩,利用撓度理論求出活載作用下結構的最不利彎矩,將恒載與活載彎矩疊加,獲得結構的初步控制彎矩后,采用內力平衡法對彎矩和索力進行調整以得到合理的索力。

The resistance attenuation of each element is considered in the design process , and the statistical parameters of the elements are assumed to be the same as the investigated results of china . in the process of the calculating of the element reliability attenuation in expected service life , several load combination and different load ratio of dead load to live load are considered . in order to ensure that structure reliability in expected service life satisfies the requirement of today ’ s code , a method of choosing the initial reliability index of structure basing on the length of expected service life and the structure resistance attenuation is proposed and the corresponding durability reduction factor is chosen by an optimum algorithm 根據我國現行建筑結構可靠度設計原理,考慮耐久性退化影響因素,設計了抗力統計參數與我國調查結果一致的五種代表性鋼筋混凝土構件,考慮多種荷載效應組合以及不同荷載效應比,研究了不同使用期內代表性構件的可靠度變化規律;為保證預期使用期內結構可靠度水平仍可滿足現行規范要求,提出了根據預期使用期和抗力衰減幅度確定結構設計可靠度指標的方法,并通過優化的方法確定了預期使用期內的耐久性折減系數,給出了預期使用期結構可靠度設計的實用設計方法。

The initial strain must be the optimum value obtained by multiple - trial method . 5 . in the static analysis of the bridge model under live load , assuming a shifting concentrated load on the girder , analyzing the relation map of each section deflection and the location of the concentrated load , finishing the load - on of the worst - case live load , then the moment and deflection envelope diagrams of the girder were obtained 成橋模型建立后,在后續活載作用下的靜力分析必須首先在主梁上作用移動集中荷載,分析主梁各斷面的活載撓度與集中荷載作用位置關系曲線圖,完成最不利活載的加載,從而最后得到懸索橋主梁的彎矩包絡圖及撓度包絡圖。

2 . the random nature of load construction is analyzed . according to analyze various factors on change of reliability index , casting girder 、 construction live load 、 concrete intensity 、 wind load 、 construction distribution load deviation and basket falling , which influence on construction reliability of rigid frame bridge with high - pier and large - span , are obtained 2 .研究了各施工荷載的隨機性,通過分析各種影響因素對可靠指標的變化程度,得到已澆梁段、施工分布活載、混凝土強度、風載和施工荷載偏差以及掛籃跌落等對高墩大跨剛構橋施工期可靠度的影響。

Since live loads on floor are usually expressed in terms of uniformly distributed loads for design purpose , in this paper , the sustained live load on floor are calculated respectively with the average load in room area and in batten area , while the transient live load on floor are computed with the average load in room area 采用室面積平均荷載法和進深板帶面積平均荷載法將樓面持久性活荷載等效為樓面均布荷載,給出了樓面持久性活荷載的計算結果;采用室面積平均荷載法計算給出了樓面臨時性活荷載等效值。

But at present , the static performances of the double reticulated domes applied on the different load combination of wind load , snow load , live load , seismic load and dead load are not adequately studied . also the study on the dynamical response under seismic action is not sufficient 但目前對于這類空間結構在雪載荷、風載荷、恒載荷、活載荷、地震載荷等各種載荷共同作用和各種載荷分布方式下的靜力性能研究還不充分,特別是對其在地震作用下的動態響應的研究還不足。

Construct a static force analysis model by using ansys , so as to calculate the influence line of control internal force of all nodes , and draw a conclusion of the maximum value of control internal force of all nodes under the influence of live load and the bit shift value of internal force of other corresponding member bars , in order to offer correlative data for local node analysis 利用ansys建立全橋靜力分析模型,計算各節點控制內力的影響線,得出活載作用下各節點控制內力最大值以及與其相對應其他各桿件的內力位移值,為局部節點分析提供相關數據。

Secondly author calculates and analyses normal stress and shear stress of the girder for a assembling post - tensioned concrete skew girder bridge with a span of 40 m due to the actions of the dead load , temperature changes , shrinkage and creep of concrete and live loads , and calculates and analyses normal stress and shear stress of diaphragms due to the actions of the subordinate phase dead load , temperature changes , shrinkage and creep of concrete and live loads 其次重點對跨徑為40m標準設計的裝配式后張預應力混凝土斜梁橋在恒載、溫度變化、混凝土收縮和徐變、活載作用下主梁的正應力、豎向變形和恒載、活載作用下主梁的剪應力進行計算分析。計算分析橫隔板在二期恒載、溫度變化、混凝土收縮、活載作用下的正應力、剪應力。

In the end , the steel - reinforced concrete arched bridge ( chun ' an weiping bridge ) , which span is 198m , is analyzed by the proposed three - dimensional nonlinear finite element method and also those gained conclusions are directly adopted in the computation . the universal stability coefficient and nonlinear buckling stability coefficient of the bridge are respectively computed , in which the dead load and the live load are assembled according to the criterion . on the other side , the regularities of creep deformation and subsidiary stress of the investigated bridge under the first - stage dead load are carefully researched 最后,將本文所提出的三維非線性分析方法及其主要研究成果直接應用于198m跨勁型骨架式鋼管混凝土拱橋“淳安威坪大橋”的分析計算中,對該橋在最不利恒載和活載組合下的一般特征值失穩系數和非線性屈曲系數進行了對比研究,并對一期恒載長期作用下該橋的徐變變形、附加應力以及截面應力、應變重分布規律分別進行了深入研究。

Then , author introduces geometric nonlinear analysis theory , geometric nonlinear calculation theory during construction period , load position of live load considering geometric nonlinear and calculation theory of worst - case value , static time history theory for vehicle running , geometric nonlinear analysis theory of natural vibration and structural dynamic reaction and so on . all of these theories fit any appointed structure with corresponding programs . so a series of completed analysis approaches that cover all geometric nonlinear factors of bridge structure are formed 其次,介紹了對任意指定結構的幾何非線性分析原理、施工階段幾何非線性計算原理、考慮幾何非線性的活載加載位置與最不利值的計算原理、車隊行駛靜力時程分析原理、非線性結構的自振特性和結構動力反應分析原理等,其中包含了相應的計算程序模塊的編制方法,形成了一整套考慮橋梁結構所有幾第日頁西南交通大學博士研究生學位論文何非線性因素的橋梁結構分析方法。

The precise fe model was used to predict the factors of load - carrying capacity of the controlled sections of the box - girder , by selecting some important factors which can affect the load - carrying capacity , such as the area of cables , stiffness of expanding joints , elastic modulus of concrete , and the amount of living load , to simulate the several possible damages of the bridge in service in the future ( 3 )該橋在運營四年后,索力、撓度、應力與主塔偏位都在設計允許的范圍內,大橋依然具備通行設計汽車荷載的能力。 ( 4 )對該橋承載力的預測分析表明:在所分析的可能損傷狀態下,拉索具有足夠的安全系數,損傷對控制截面的承載能力系數影響較大。

Finally an engineering example is analyzed . reliability index is determined considering two types of corrosion models and two types of vehicle models . the influences of some parameters , such as dead load live load , corrosion speed , diameter of steel bar , are analyzed 通過一個具體工程實例,分別計算其在一般運行狀態及密集運行狀態時考慮全面銹蝕及局部銹蝕情況下的可靠度指標,并且討論了恒載、車輛荷載、鋼筋銹蝕速度、鋼筋直徑等參數對橋梁可靠度的影響。

This paper took the xiamen haicang suspension bridge as the example , finished building the whole - bridge 3 - d model and static analysis of the bridge under dead and live loads with the all - function fem software . according the analytic process , the following conclusions are obtained : 1 在此基礎上,結合廈門海滄懸索橋工程實例,采用通用有限元軟件,完成了該橋的全橋三維有限元建模,并且進行了成橋恒、活載作用下的靜力分析。

As an example , the space analysis model about the wuhu changjiang river bridge is done and the internal forces about the wuhu changjiang river bridge due to dead load and lived load are analyzed . 2 . the vibration analysis of the long span plate - truss composite cable - stayed bridges 文中以蕪湖長江大橋為例,建立了該橋的空間有限元分析模型,并重點分析了該橋在自重恒載作用下的結構內力及車輛荷載對橋梁結構內力的影響。

In this paper , load effect combination , resisting buoyancy of basement , load combination of basement outer wall and basement soleplate and equivalent uniform live load of fire engine basing on “ load code for the design of building structures “ are discussed 摘要該文探討的是《建筑結構荷載規范》中有關荷載效應控制的組合、地下室抗浮、地下室外墻和底板的荷載組合以及消防車等效均布荷載的確定等內容。

The effect factors of boiler steel frame are analyzed , loads composition and structural distribution , also the design code and special value norm for load classification are discussed , mainly including state and live loads , wind and level earthquake 分析了電站鍋爐鋼結構的荷載影響因素,提出合理的結構布置和荷載取值及其工況組合。分析了設計標準中的荷載分類及取值約定。

As concrete - filled steel tubular arch bridges develop in the direction of large - span and lightweight style , the study on dynamical response of the structure under live loads such as vehicles , wind and earthquake is in need 目前鋼管混凝土拱橋正不斷地向大跨度、輕型化方向發展,對其在動荷載(如車輛、風和地震等)作用下的動力響應研究更顯得十分迫切。